Sewing again

At long last a quiet week-end with nobody ill in the household and some full nights sleep undisturbed. It felt like it hasn't been "normal" routine for so long...

So this week-end I decided to take it easy and do some sewing. I worked on the Maisy book that I want to finish for baby daughter for Christmas and I am getting there. One more page to make and then I will have to put it together securely.

I also started to play with some fabric I bought during my last "fabric buying trip" a few week-ends ago. I think it is called Butterfly by Makower but it reminds me of liquorice. I am making a bag for myself with it. It will be my "sweetie" bag. The more I am playing with this fabric, the more I like it. I wish I had bought a few yards really. Here is a peak at the fabric, I'll show you the finished bag tomorrow. Yes, I have finished it tonight!

Talking about bags, I have also made 2 more foldable bags which will be Christmas presents. It is similar colour to the one I am about to send to SewCalGal who won my giveaway a few weeks back.

That's all for tonight. I will go back to my Maisy book to try to finish it while the kids are asleep...

Good night.


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