Blog hop - welcome and giveaway

Thank you for joining "Our Craft Forum"’s blog hop.

So what is “Our Craft Forum”? A craft forum for like minded people who love crafts. Mostly patchwork, stitching, quilting and the like. It’s a safe place to make new friends who share a love of craft & to have some fun and a little bit of laughter along the way & to join in on swaps of all types.

This week end is designed to tell our blogging friends about our wonderful forum and to invite you to be a part of our forum.

Several of our members will be offering tutorials, giveaways and some tips of the trade.

The blog hop starts at miss~nances blog so if you want to join us on the whole journey please go there now and follow the links at the bottom of each post to find the next blog along the way.

Each person who joins our forum from this blog hop will go in the draw for a craft pack. So to join our forum, please go to Our Craft Forum and register. Entries close at MIDNIGHT EDST (Sydney time) Sunday 27 February.

So join in on the fun and maybe find a new forum, new blog and new friends along the way. You never know you may even learn something new or win a great prize.

I have been playing along on the forum for over a year now and have met wonderful people. I have participated in fantastic swaps. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will have seen pictures of framed hexies I have made and received, flower hexies (yes I am a bit of a hexies addict I know). I have also swap lovely mini quilts and am currently into a mug wrap and coaster swap and a bag swap. Most of the crowd on the forum is from Australia (where it started) but there are a number of European and American friends as well and of course everyone is made to feel very welcome.
If you are visiting my blog for the first time, welcome I hope you enjoy your visit and that you'll come back often.
Now for the important part of this post, if you have followed me until here, well done! Please leave me a comment between Friday 25 midday and Sunday 27 midnight (Sidney time), telling me what you enjoy reading about when you visit blogs and you will be entered in my blog giveaway.
If you want to check the times, you can use this time zone conversion chart to help. Comments left outside these times won't be entered sorry!
Now you are ready to hop over the pond to the USA to Kristy' blog: Cotton Addiction. She started blogging recently so please be sure to encourage her to continue with your lovely comments


  1. I love reading on the blogs, the things people are doing with the fabric they have. I love your hexagons and the different things you have done with them!

  2. Thanks for sharing with me and this blog hopping is great fun to get to know all the forum members. Hugs from South Africa.

  3. We enjoy having you on our forum. There is always lots to read on your blog. Hopefully you will be receiving a package from me soon.

  4. I am back on your blog. I love seeing the projects you are working on.

  5. I read blogs for different reasons. I'm into sustainability and frugality and simple living. I also love reading about cooking and sewing. :)

  6. I love seeing all the projects and reading the tutorials that are on the blogs. Great reading!!

  7. Hi Celine, Great blog. I have become a follower. Hugs Terri :)

  8. What a great idea this blog hop is, just looking at what others create is sensational.

  9. When it comes to quilting i like to see what everyone is doing, how they are doing it differently and what fabrics they use. However I also like to see posts about the other things in peoples lives, the country they live in, other hobbies, likes & pets. xx

  10. HOw exciting to be visiting you Celine and getting to know you in the forum is fun. Its a great place to be as there are lots of fabulous ladies in there and always lots to talk about. Your blog is always fabulous to visit and thanks for being in the blog hop. Its great fun :) Hugs Vicki

  11. I love reading the different blogs seeing what everyone is doing, the tutorials and sometimes joining in on SAL's.
    This blog hop is so much fun, I've also joined the forum

  12. You do some great things. I love the triangles and hexigon post. You have a new follower and I am very excited to see what's next from you! :-)

  13. I love to read blogs that have the same interest as myself sewing of any type fabrics collections many things love your blog and think this blog hop is so much fun thanks I did join the forum also

  14. My main reason for following blogs is crafty inspiration - but I also love hearing about crafters' lives all around the world!

  15. I read a lot of blogs! I like them to be a good mix of projects, tutorials, links etc and of courses the best ones answer any questions you have! but most of all I love the inspiration they give!

  16. I love to read blogs to get more ideas. Tutorials are awesome too! I have joined the forum and it looks like it will be a nice place to spend some time!

  17. Hi Celine! I just love reading my friend's blogs! Old friends and new! :) It is especially interesting to read about other ladies lives and crafts when they are on the other side of the world. Blogging brings us all together, so does our lovely forum.

  18. Bonjour! J'aime bien lire les blogs pour trouver les nouveaux idees et les nouvelles amies! Cette BlogHop est une idee super!

  19. I have been having a lot of fun on the blog hop. Meeting new bloggers as well as seeing some that I already follow. I really liked that little March hexie you had.

  20. I am not so much the hexie fan but love to read about the process others go through when working on a project. I think sharing the ooboos are just as important as showing off our successes :) I also like to read about how others are inspired to create :) Thanks for being part of the hop and btw, I am a member, though I have yet to post :)
    Carmen in AK

  21. I love reading blogs for inspiration and ideas. I also love learning techniques and tutorials. Pictures are also a must for me, as I'm a visual learner :0)

  22. I enjoy reading tutorials, tips, and seeing works in progress. I also follow blogs that have pics of the world around us. It's amazing how much inspiration can come from a simple picture of a bird, a flower, or even spools of thread. Your pics of hexagons are giving me an itch to start something new :D

  23. Hi and thanks for this awesome blog hop! I mostly visit blogs for inspiration and fun crafty ideas which I hope to try. I LOVE the banner on your blog on which two of the pieces remind me of mandala's which I'm a fan of. I've drawn some and really enjoy them. Thanks again!

  24. I love getting new ideas to keep me inspired in my crafting. And I am loving all the Australian blogs I have stumbled on recently. I have even started stitching along with a BOM. I signed up for the forum too.

  25. I've become a follower. I like viewing blogs, especially those with many photos, as it gives a view of that persons part of the world through what they do and like and inspires me to try new things.

  26. I like reading blogs as I get a glimpse inside another person's life and how they make things, whether it be craft, cooking or gardening to name a few things. I see we have something in common - Dear Jane, yours looks lovely, I haven't seem many using a dark background.

  27. I have joined the forum and have enjoyed checking out your blog. I read blogs to learn about what others are doing out there in bloglandia. I have learned so many skill through the tutorial and tips I have read. I also LOVE looking at the pics of what others are wooking on for inspiration. Off to the next one. Tina Abert

  28. Hi Celine,

    Have just signed on to your blog, love your hexies! I am hand sewing a QS quilt top, and enjoy taking it with me when I go out as it is a great ice-breaker. People are always interested in what I am making.

    Cheers from Roseanne

  29. I enjoy reading blogs just to see what everyone is up too

  30. it's fun to see what everyone is doing. Hope to see you on the forum.

  31. OOoh Celine.. I didn't know I was going overseas!! Bojour..[I hope that's right] I'll have to go back to Australian, because I think my brain uses that best!! What fun it is visiting. I'll be back!!

  32. I've joined the forum and I'm having lots of fun hopping around,

  33. Wow, having taken a brief look at your blog you are a very productive lady. I am in aww.
    I love to read about peoples projects and insirations and of course a good give away.

  34. I'm new to crafting so I love reading about projects that I will eventually be able to attempt, and I like tutorials about handsewing. This blog hop is fun. Cheers

  35. I love looking at blogs of al type, I find so much inspiration from oterhs ideas.

    I always enjoy coming to your blgo and am very glad you joined us on our blog hop.

    Hugs & Blessings


  36. Your blog is great and so is the hop. I joined the forum. Have a wonderful day!

  37. Wow this is my first ever blog hop, it definately requires commitment and coffee!!! I am really enjoying the inspiration of other peoples creations, the helpful tutorials and family insights. Have a lovely day)

  38. What fun this is. Meeting new friends most of whom have been Aussies so far. That's great. Thanks for being part of the giveaways.

  39. Hi Celine,
    It is lovely to meet you and the other blogers. I can see you like hexagons like I do! What I like the most about looking at blogs is seeing what everyone else is doing - it can be so inspriational!
    I have joined the forum - found it while blogging - how lucky can you get! Best wishes from Australia!

  40. I love calling by your blog and seeing what is going on in the other side of the world

  41. I enjoy seeing what my fellow sewers are up to and I get inspiration from what i see. It helps me to finish project and also I am just nosey.

  42. am loving the framed hexies :)

  43. Hi I joined the forum today. I love to see what other quilters and crafters are working on and to find inspiration to try something new.

  44. I seem to search out bloggers with similar projects or techniques going on at the time. Or if I need an answer or inspiration someone out there has been there, done that!

  45. Hi Celine....I love to see what inspires others and to get some inspiration myself...I never allow myself enough 'me' time for crafting...there's always something that HAS to be done.....blogging gives me the impetus to do it!
    sugary hugs
    Wendy :O)


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