First Farmer's Wife Linky Party

This year I decided to pick up my Farmer's Wife book again and make some good progress. So I set myself a goal of trying to make blocks every month. This first month was helped by the Lazy Bums virtual retreat where I managed to complete 12 blocks, taking my grand total to 15 blocks!

And to help me keep motivated, I thought it would be more fun to ask others to play with me so I created a flicker group here for all who want to farm with me in 2014, feel free to join us, it is a very relaxed approach as there isn't any set number of blocks to be made etc.
And I thought it would be nice to encourage each others at the end of the month with a linky party. Now this is my first linky party so apologies if there is any teething problems! Now don't be shy, come and share your Farmer's Wife progress with me. And if you can go and visit the others and leave them a little comment, I am sure they'll be happy.
Now let see how many blocks we have made.



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