Finish Along Q4

1. Work bag for myself - started years ago but stopped because of a zip fear! - this one is on my list since the beginning of the year so I am really hoping I'll eventually pick it up and finish it...  - no progress

2. Bag for Maud -started 5 years ago... no progress

3. Star Plus quilt - top ready for quilting

4. Danse bag for Miss A since she has started and loving it. Done, although I didn't use the fabric I had originally thought I'd use because I bought some more.... :-)

5. Cat bag as a Christmas present similar to the one I made last year - no progress

6. Triangle Quilt take #2  - all the triangles are cut so maybe I could finish it for my Mum, unless I keep it as a Christmas present. no progress

7. Finish my Unicorn Mini quilt for the Happy Unicorn Swap - finished and sent

8. Make a sewing mat for the Liberty of London swap round 1 - finished and sent

9. Make a Little Red Hiding Hood mini for the Fairy Tale Swap -  finished and sent

10. Make Christmas Ornaments for the Trim the Tree swap x 4 - finished and sent

11. Make 3 different Christmas Ornaments for the Ornaments swap - finished and sent

12. Make my mini for the IG mini swap - finished and sent

13. My Auntie's purple quilt - UFO from 5 years ago - no progress

14. Spools and bobbins - to be finished promptly so I can gift it to my Grand-Mum for her 90th birthday no progress

15. Finish my Little Forest with quilting and binding - UFO from a few years ago no progress

16. Make 2 Dumpling pouches for my friends for our week-end together no progress

17. Make myself a new dressing gown as my first try at garment sewing no progress

18. Make a Christmas stocking for Miss A who is the only one not to have one.... - finished in time for Christmas!

19. Make key fobs and/or dumpling pouches for Christmas- no progress

20. Make a bag for my friend for Christmas - finished in time for Christmas!

Not many items crossed off my list this time (only 9 out of 20) but lots of lovely swaps, where I have also been receiving some gorgeous goodies,

Since it is time for New Year's resolution, I think I will try to sign up for maybe a few less swaps so I don't have to stress against deadlines as much but equally they are so much fun!
Linking to Finish Along Q4.


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