Moneta - my first dress!

A little while ago, 3 lovely ladies launched the Moneta Party on Instagram. I had never heard of the Moneta dress and hadn't tried a Colette pattern but then I had just finished my second toaster jumper so I thought why not?

I bought the pattern printed this time and some lovely jersey fabric and set to make version 3 with the sleeves.

I was so scared it was going to be above my league but I so wanted to try anyway! So I went slowly, one step at a time. I lenghtened the body by 5 cm before I cut the fabric because I am quite tall and the paper pattern felt quite short against my body. I first made the top and I really liked the fit when I tried it on. It is tight but the fabric is just so soft.

The skirt was easy to put together. I was dreading to put the elastic on but Abigail posted a great tutorial that it went together really easily. Next time, I just need to remember not to sew it to close to the edge.

And then the next thing I was scared off was the hemming with the twin needles. I tried the twin needles with my toaster jumper but we didn't get on. So I started by pulling out my machine instruction book, only to discover that I had a twin needle button (hum...) and then read on different forums about Wonder Tape
and I must admit it changed my life! It made sewing the hems so much easier. The fabric doesn't slip at all! And then it made using the twin needles so much easier.
so I took my dress with me on holidays! And now I wasn't going to the beach but to a ski holidays. First time ever I take a dress in my suitcase for a ski holidays! But I wore it proudly on Valentine's Day.

My second and probably last OPAM for February.

Linking to Let's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread Thursday Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. Super cute! Great tip about the wonder tape, I never thought about using it for a hem.

  2. well done, a great achievement! I think I really should finish the skirt I started for my daughter, I'm a bit afraid of it!

  3. It looks great on you! I love that fabric, too - it reads so nice and tamely conservative from off, but up close it's got seriously cool personality!


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