March Furtle and recap

Of course, I had great ambitions for March and in the end, I didn't do as much as I had planned! My overlocker is still not working so I haven't sewn as much as I was hoping. I was also away for work a few days so I took advantage of the evenings for some hand sewing.

1. Continue to work on the Harry Potter sew-along and keep up the pace, if possible. I am still 2 to do to be back on track but I have made great progress this month.
2. Scrappy Trip Along - red and green blocks needed to be able to finish the top - no progress
3. 365 challenge, so many more blocks are needed, let's see if I can make a few - no progress
4. Dear Jane -  I will make completing Row A my One monthly goal  - Row A finished
5. HST modern sampler quilt - make the last block and finish the top - no progress
6. Kingfisher Sew Along - prepare more blocks for sew on the go - no progress
7. Threadology quilt-along - make March blocks - 5 blocks made, 5 to do
8. Vintage Kitchen - catch up and continue to make the blocks - one block completed, 2 to do
9. Gipsy Wife - make more blocks no progress
10. FW 1920 - make more blocks no progress
11. FW 1930 - make more blocks no progress
12. Granny Blocks -  this is my APQS challenge for March no progress

1. Blackwood cardigan - Nearly finished 
2. Summit peak top, cut and ready to be sewn 
3. Puff Shirt or another office top
4. Linden or Toaster sweater in navy  
5. Salida skirt  
6. Another Givre T or Mandy boat T - finished
7. PJ for C  - finished
8. PJ top for hubby - finished 
9. Lingerie  

1. Carrier Conquest Handbag 

And a few additional things that were not on the list....
Linking to March Furtle



  1. I too have been taking time this month for hand-sewing. Congratulations on completing Row A to make your OMG.

  2. You may not have done everything it seems like you’ve done a lot Celine

  3. I had great ambitions for March too, was nowhere near as productive as I wanted to be either. You seem to have done well making progress with some of your though, well done.

  4. You have so many fabulous projects in the making. It looks like you have done a lot even though it may not feel that way :)


  5. Your new top is gorgeous and looks terrific on you! I don't think I saw this when it was finished so... *dramatic pause* Hooray for finishes! *waves pompoms* Thanks for furtling!


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