Birdies blocks

 While emptying a set of draws before our move, I found another long abandonned UFO, my blocks for the Birdie Stitches blocks by Corey Yoder or Coriander Quilts from.... 2011. Yes I know that's 10 years ago. I did quite well with the stitching since I completed 10 of the 12 blocks. The last one was nearly done too but not quite... 

And I had left out block 11 (from November) because it had a turkey for Thanksgiving and I wanted something else more European, which I never got around to do.
I had also cut some of the squares for the borders of the blocks but not all of them. Based on the amount of work left and the fact that I had not touched it for so many years, I decided it was safe to let it go to someone that might hopefully give it the love it deserves and get finished one day. 

Another one bites the dust!



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