September in review

 I was planning to write this post over the weekend but we've had such a busy time trying to get wall paper off the walls of my youngest's bedroom that there was no time or energy left... September has been such a busy month really and very little time for sewing actually. First of all, school started back... We had friends visiting from the UK for a week, it was so good to finally see them as this was the third attempt, 2 previous times were canceled because of covid.  I went to London for a few days for work too. And now we've started the roof insulation on this other side of the house, which means that we've been emptying 2 bedrooms and moving furniture around again... what fun!

In the midst of all of that, I managed to finally finished my Flabellum quilt. This was long overdue as all it needed was the binding which had prepared before or house move. 

I joined the Mini Series Quilt Along and so far I've been keeping up, I've even managed 2 extra blocks. 

I also cut a summer blouse: the Charlie by la Robe du Chat but I haven't yet managed to finish it... and of course summer has gone now, so not sure when it will be finished.
Linking to September Furtle.



  1. Your quilt looks gorgeous, as do your mini series blocks! Hooray for finishes *waves pompoms* I would finish the blouse now so that next year you’ll have a new top to wear as soon as the warm weather returns. Thanks for Furtling!


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