Back home...

After 2 weeks of travelling all over France, we are back at home from the holidays. We tried to leave the UK on 18 December but got stuck on the car park from the Channel Tunnel. 5 Eurostar had broken down in the tunnel so there was no traffic going through until the path was clear. That meant for us that we had to wait and wait and wait... with little information. So much fun to spend hours in your car with 2 children under 4 when it is -1C outside. We stayed at the tunnel for about 15 hours (most of that time stuck in our car on a parking) before we could eventually go through on Saturday morning. But how lucky were we to be given 4 bottles of water in 15 hours when it is freezing outside... How about tea/coffee/soup/food, etc? Never mind, maybe next time Mr and Mrs Eurotunnel....
Anyway after such an ordeal, we went to my Mum and then to my parents-in-law en route to the Alps for a week in the snow! We spent a very good week in Flaine with a beautiful white scenery. Not much skiing for anyone (not easy with children) but a lot of fun anyway. Both kids enjoyed sleight rides. Big boy made several snowmen and tried skiing holding onto Daddy's legs. They even went up the lifts twice. I enjoyed some time off and managed to relax in the outside pool or the jacuzzi! We spent more time with both families on our way back from the Alps and arrived back home safely (and quickly this time) on Saturday.


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