Cutting small bits....

The curtains are not finished yet although I am still hoping they will be tonight before my working week starts again. I got delayed because yesterday Mum and I spent a fair amount of time cutting tiny little bits of orange skins to make our marmalade.
The marmalade is done and it is very tasty, we tried this morning at breakfast before Mum left to go back home. Last year we made a batch as well and managed to forget about it while it was boiling so it got burnt and is disgusting. So annoying after spending hours preparing...

Anyway, this has given me an idea for Jenny of Elefantz' challenge of making something out of a tea towel. I'll see if I have time before the end of the week to do it and post a picture.

See you soon with hopefully pictures of my finished curtains.



  1. I love marmalade jam to....except for the peel.I'm forever picking it out! When I make it for myself I don't add the peel.
    I can't wait to see what you're going to make for Jenny's challange :) Barb.

  2. Hi Celine! Long time no visit! Sorry. I see you have also been doing quite a bit!
    I can almost smell your marmalade simmering...yummm...
    I finally got back to my hexies and have been posting lots of pix on GHQA2 this week. Hope you visit!
    I know it is taking a long time to put our Hexi-sisters Quilt together, but it is turning out to be quite special!
    Enjoy! can't wait to see your tea-towel project, now i am curious...

  3. Hi Celine. Found your blog from the craft forum. Looking forawrd to your work.


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