A finished quilt - 10 years later

 It only took 10 years... but it is now finished and ready to be used/enjoyed...

I started the Super Mario Quilt during a quilt-along with Angela in 2012, I made x blocks and cut zillions of little squares and then all was parked for a long long time...

Eventually I got all the pieces out again in September 2020 while I was going through my stash, UFOs etc in preparation for the big move, I picked up the pieces again and made the last few blocks I needed to finish the quilt.

In April 2021, I finally finished the top ready for quilting. I quilted this massive top in before we moved and cut the binding too. All that was left since this time was to hand sew the binding and bury the gazillion threads from the quilting. Well it took quite a few evenings (over a few months) but finally it is all done! 

This one will no longer be a UFO, one less for 2023!

Linking to Design Wall Monday, Midweek MakersWednesday Wait Loss.



  1. Wow what a finish! I've had quilts take that long too so I understand. Certainly worth the wait because this quilt is oh so adorable! Congratulations! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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