Super Mario

 Nearly 10 years later, I have a quilt top.... I was planning on making 15 blocks originally but after I got them all out to check how many more I needed, I realised that 12 blocks would already make a decent size quilt.

After playing with the blocks to pick the sashing, I decided to add a black strip to 2 sides of the blocks.

 That's when I realised that I made a mistake in the question mark block that wasn't square (17x18) so I unpicked and rectified it.

All the blocks are bordered by a 3'' grey strip.

Now the top is pieced, ready to be quilted, let's hope that won't take another 10 years....

Linking to  Brag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayPeacock Party Whoop Whoop Friday, Patchwork and Quilts 



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