April Furtle

 Another busy month here which including a work trip in the UK for 4 days. I have managed some sewing but I've also felt really tired at times and found it difficult to find much energy. Maybe the lack of spring weather has not helped...

I've managed to keep up with 2 of my quilt-along: the Modern City Scape and the Birthday blocks making a total of 11 blocks and I also made March blocks for the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along (still some catch up to do on this one...)

I also finished the last block of row E (E13) for my Dear Jane quilt and attached row 5 to the first 4, which I am really happy about!

And I made a new blouse out of my stash: the Drop Sleeve Top by Avid Seamstress

All in all it has been a productive month considering everything else going on in the background, maybe sewing is what keeps me (relatively) sane!

Linking to April Furtle



  1. I hope May is a better month for you and spring weather finally arrives. The quilt along blocks look lovely and Dear Jane is looking magnificent. And a finish! Hooray *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!


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