May goals

 May will have its flurry of bank holidays qnd maybe (hopefully) we will see the sun again soon... I don't know whether this will help find more sewing time or on the contrary will eat up into it? Regardless I hope to have more time doing more of what I like rather than continuing to cram too much in my head and trying to juggle so many balls at once...


1. Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - February, April and May blocks needed - hoping to catch up and continue One monthly goal

2. Dear Jane - hoping to finish row E... 3 blocks needed

3. Modern City Scape - hoping to continue with this quilt along 

4. Birthday blocks - 
hoping to continue with this quilt along

5. Farmer's Wife - 1 or 2 blocks?

6. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top

8. Jemina's hexagon quilt-long - hoping to catch up and continue with this quilt along

Dressmaking / Sewing

1.  Finish my Forester coat (started 2 years ago)?
2. Morgan jeans
3. Sew a dress or a nightdress for me
4. Sew one or 2 new PJ for A 

Bags / Accessories

1. Town bag by Grainline - cut and started early last year, I haven't touched it since...
2. Bag for A 
3. Zippered pouch for my daughter 
4. Vadon bag
5. Accessories to give away (bookmarks?)
6. Teachers' presents (pouch?)


1. Nutcracker stitch along

Linking to One Monthly Goal



  1. I really like all your projects. Wishing you time and motivation to move forward a little.


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