May Furtle

 Well, what can I say? Time has escaped me and my sew-jo has completely disappeared so I've done hardly nothing this month... too much "life" going on to find time for anything else.

I started a night dress, but not with my favourite pattern, that I still can't find despite tidying my sewing area.... despite being a very easy and quick sew, it's not yet finished. 

I finished Dear Jane block F1 (no sashing yet) and blocks #16 & #17 for Modern City Scape for a total of 3 blocks

And a few bits to help out on some art projects for an exhibition but this is it really, nearly nothing...

Linking to May Furtle



  1. Any progress is good and gets you closer to a finish - well, I keep telling myself that as I wonder when the socks I started in April will have their ‘they’re finished’ photo taken, anyway! Thanks for Furtling, I hope life is less life-y this month.


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