To Do Tuesday

I haven't posted a list for about a month now and there has been hardly no sewing in the same time. I am hoping that I will finally get back into the groove and that having a list might help. My stress levels seem to be quite high with everything going on, so who knows, maybe I'll get some time to relax with some fabric....

Here is a varied list for the week, so maybe I'll find inspiration in one or more projects:

1. Add sashing to Dear Jane block F1 and sew to the rest of the F row

2. Make blocks for the Modern City Scape (I have 5 or 6 to catch up with I guess, starting with block #18)

3. Make Birthday blocks (I have  more than 5 to catch up with I guess, starting with block #17)

4. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February, April, May and June

5. Finish my nightdress

6. Cut some pouches for the teachers' presents

7. Sew a Barbie outfit



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