Back in the saddle

After catching up on the Project 48 Quilts blocks last month, I have decided to focus again on the second project I had listed on my 100 Days Challenge list. The 100 days will be up in the middle of the month already so it would be just nice to report progress on a second project!

So here it is, I have picked up my Farmer's Wife blocks again... and I must say it has gone slower than I planned/expected but life and work are a bit crazy just now.
Anyway, I have made a few blocks:

17 [Cats and Mice]

18 [Century of Progress]

finished is better than perfect will be the mantra here....

of and I have squeezed a few Long Time Gone blocks too so as not to fall off the wagon!
2 more Jacob's Ladder blocks

A slow (?) start of the month with just 4 blocks so far.



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