Saunio cardigan

The Saunio Cardigan was the second task for Sew My Style, set for February. I never managed to get to it in February but finally started it last month. The fabric was very difficult to line up at the edge and keep straight and I must say for once, the quantity I bought was tight. So I cut the larger size of the pattern as I fell between 2 sizes and started sewing last month, only to realise that I didn't have any black interfacing so I couldn't finish it.
I am glad I went to my local shop at this stage because the pattern doesn't specify what type of interfacing to use and being a beginner, I didn't have a clue it was possible to find interfacing for knit/jersey fabric. So with the interfacing available, I could finally finished my cardigan.

There is no "closure" for the cardigan, no buttons or zip or anything and I am not a big fan of the front pieces just hanging so I followed Jessica's "hack" and made 2 belt loops. I didn't make a belt partly because I didn't have enough length of fabric left but I bought a strip of leather on ebay to tie as a belt. I think it works well.

Now I am pleased my cardigan is finished and I really like the fabric. I am not entirely sold on the design to be honest, although it was easy to put together but my main issue with it is that it is very short on me. Admittedly I am tall and I should have lengthen the body pieces (not that I could with the amount of fabric I had). So yes I will wear it but it won't me my favorite go to piece. It might work better over a dress actually. And no I probably won't make that pattern again but then I've learned lots with this piece that has facing, first time for me!

My first OPAM for April and the first item to be crossed off my Q2 Finish Along List and also my One Monthly Goal for April.

Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. How cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.


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