Making blocks

I have made a few more blocks over the last few weeks but I haven't had time to blog!
First some blocks for my Farmer's Wife quilt, going a lot slower than I was planning/hoping
19 [Checkerboard]
22 [Corn & Beans]
23 [Country Farm]
 24 [Country Path]
 27 [Darting Birds]

Some Long Time Gone Blocks, so far so good I am still on track but then there's 21 churn dash blocks to make this week!
A rainbow Trip Around the  World block

the Plus a Star block

4 little Churn Dash blocks (17 more needed!)

and A Courthouse Steps block for next week!

That's 12 more blocks for the 350-blocks challenge taking my total to 20!
Linking to Let's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread ThursdayI may have a scrap problem



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