August Furtle

 As I mentioned in my previous post, a good chin of the month has been spent travelling abroad so there has been some hand sewing time while I was far from home. Sadly I haven't really turned on my sewing machine much since we came back, apart to hem my daughter's curtain (and I'm glad I did it straight away rather than pushing it for later!!)

Before we went I made a few more scrappy baskets

And I also made a new pair of PJ for hubby, overcoming my Cricut fear!

And while travelling I finished assembling my first 4 Dear Jane rows, completed block E5 and added to row E and started on block E9 and E13.

I also made 6 blocks for my Mischief quilt. 

And stitched a tiny little more on my cross stitch project

Quite a productive month overall, if I say so myself!

Linking to August Furtle.



  1. Quite? Very! Thanks for Furtling and hooray for finishes *waves pompoms*

  2. You have had a productive month. You are working on some beautiful projects :)

  3. What a lovely productive month even with travel! Great job. Really like the Mischief quilt blocks and look forward to seeing more.


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