Star trek PJ

 After the girls' summer PJ, I have been meaning to move to the boys' ones. I started cutting one for hubby about 3 or 4 weeks ago but then disaster struck, we had a heavy thunderstorm with lots of rain and the basement where our office/sewing room is got flooded so we spent the rest of the evening mopping it up. By that time, I had cut all but the neckline and the sleeves.  

I used a lovely soft cotton jersey for the top that I had bought about a year before at a local fair. I use the Starthcona Henley pattern by Thread Theory in the straightforward T-shirt variation and cut a size L.

Massive achievement for this T-shirt was the embellishment I was planning to add but was scared of trying out. Since the fabric is plain, I thought I'd add the Star Trek logo that I could cut with my Cricut and fuse to the T-shirt. I finally decided to try and it was much easier and quicker than I had feared actually! I used an iron flex I bought locally and it worked just fine. 

I assembled all the T-shirt on my serger and this time I hemmed the sleeves and the waistline.

For the shorts, I used remnants of a double gaze that I add cut out last year to make myself a dress. I had to cut the pieces one by one and play Tetris for that one but it worked out in the end. 

I used the Eastwood PJ pattern by Thread Theory that I had used before but this time I cut it as a pair of short. I went for the fancy option with a button fly.

Again I added the Star Trek logo (if I could do it once, I could do it twice for sure!)

And here we are, hubby is thrilled with his personalised pair of Pyjamas for the summer (if the summer decides to come back!)

And this is my OMG finished for August now.

Linking to Off the wall FridayCan I get a Whoop WhoopPeacock PartyPatchwork and Quilt.



  1. Bravo pour ce chouette pyjama, le logo est particulièrement bien réussi ! J'espère que vous avez quand même eu un peu d'été, je peux t'envoyer de la canicule si tu veux ;-)
    Merci pour le partage, bises

  2. Nice work! I like the Star Trek logo as a special detail.


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