A long long long forgotten project that I have unearthed recently, kind of randomly... I started the Mischief project when I received the kit from Karen in 2017 but it hardly progressed despite being ready to be picked up any time and on the go. It has been so long ago since I did anything with it that it had dropped all my UFO list a while ago. 

I found some pieces ready to be assembled into blocks

And also some pieces assembled

I picked up all the blue that I found already prepared to progress on this blocks, sometimes with mixed sucess....  

But went on to be better after this little hiccup.

And I now have 4 completed blocks

I'm hoping that I'll be able to cut fabric pieces on my cricut so that this dormant project can finally move on...

Linking to Design Wall MondayMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossHappy Needle and ThreadPut your foot downBrag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayCan I get a Whoop WhoopPeacock PartyPatchwork and Quilt.



  1. What a lovely project to have found! Hopefully you'll be able to cut out the templates on your cricut and move on with this project. Love what you've done so far. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


  2. C'est toujours excitant de redécouvrir un projet oublié, et de se le réapproprier, peut-être différemment de la première fois. J'aime beaucoup ces étoiles bleues. Un projet qui avance bien !
    Merci pour le partage ;-)


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