August goals

 Summer seems to have turn to autumn here. The great outdoor is not appealing at all with all the rain and cold weather... but at the sale time, I don't seem to have much energy either. I think sewing time will be rather limited this month so I shouldn't be over-ambitious with the list!


1. Impromptu quilt - I have cheated with this one by trimming it and putting on the bed, without the binding so we have been enjoying it already but it would be so very nice to finish it properly....


1Aquarius dress - this one was "finished" for my daughter's Communion in June but needed some fixing so I have unpicked the hem and fixed the rest. Maybe I can finally sew the hem again

2. Hubby's PJs - these are half cut already - Let's make it my One monthly goal
3. Linen Skirt


1. Moonwake bag
2. Town bag by Grainline - cut and started but not progressing
3. Scrappy baskets
4. Corkordion Wallet


1. Grimm's Tales stitch along 



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