
Showing posts from September, 2017

September in review

September has been a productive month, on top of decluttering (fabric including !!) I have quite a few finishes and got to play again with my overlocker.... Hoping for finish 1.  School bag for C - this will be my  One Monthly Goal  - done in time! 2. Dance bag for A 3. Dance bag for C 4. S orbetto black top -   nearlly finished! Bee Blocks  None! for the first time in years! WIP 1.  Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks 2. Gipsy Wife - my goal is to keep up with that one 3. Postcards of the world - finished 7th frame and started 8th UFO / Abandoned WIP 1. HST modern sampler quilt - half way  2. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks  3. M ischief blocks New Project 1.  Power trip bag 2. Flora Case 3. Bridgetown Dress 4. A-line dress  5. Summer dress for A 6. Demoiselle dress for A 7. Imagine dress  8. Ogden Cami red - finished 9. CaliFaye Vall...

First pyjama bottom

This must be the fastest make ever! I have finally got around to cut a pyjama bottom for my youngest daughter from a cute dalmatian fabric I had bought her over the summer. And, oh my... I just couldn't believe how quickly that went together.... I sewn it all on my overlocker (apart for the casing for the elastic) and I just can't believe that it took me about 5 minutes to assemble the pyjamas! So here we are a new pyjama bottom! Oh and you know what, I ordered tons of fabric to make pyjama for the whole family, tops and bottoms. Watch this space! One more OPAM for September and one more of my Q3 FAL (just in time!) Celine

Ogden cami - take 2

I love the Ogden cami I made last month with my leftover blue tencel. I had bought red silk to make another one that I finally got to cut this month. (Reminder to myself: cut silk with rotary cutter in the future not with scissors!) And I finally sat at the machine to put it together this week. Tada! Now I think that sadly, I'll have to wait for a long while until I can wear it as the weather has turned really cold here... A real shame as it is really a nice item, both the shape and the fabric. Another OPAM and another one off my Q3 FAL list. Celine

Colour-in pillowcases

A while ago I ordered some colour in panel for the kids and they coloured them on and off for the last few months (years?)  and hadn't touched them for a long time so I dusted them off and thought that such a simple sewing project would be ideal to get back to my overlocker. I hadn't touched it since June and for this particular project, I needed to change the colour of the thread... Oh no, not rethreading the whole thing just knotting the threads and getting them through but still.... I knew I needed a week-end for it so I'd have time. Finally, I plucked the courage to do so on Sunday and after about 30 minutes of fiddling with it, getting the manual out and my book as well, I finally got there. I had a stitch with correct tension for all 4 threads... Ready to play! Trimming the panels and the cotton fabric I bought for a whooping 2Ā£ in the summer at the Cloth House Warehouse, a little hem on the sewing machine on the panel and backing and here we go, 3 lovely pillowc...

Gipsy Wife blocks

This week-end I managed a few blocks for my Gipsy Wife quilt, I caught up with the weekly blocks and made a few filler blocks too Crazy Ann Star and 4 filler blocks 6 blocks so far this month! Celine

School is back!

School was back this week and my middle daughter needed a new bag this year. I was originally thinking of making her another messenger bag but finally settled on a back pack (at her request). I had won the Edelweiss Bag pattern from Sew Sweetness a while ago so that was a good one to try. I used some foam interfacing so there were some places where it was heavy and thick to sew and I must say my machine struggled a little but it was all worth it in the end, especially on the back There is a zipped pocket inside at the back and I added one at the front I think if I make another one, I might make one bigger pocket on the front rather than 2 small ones. The bag was finished just in time for going back to school and my daughter loves it, so that's great! It is very roomy and looks massive on her back! And this is one of my Q3 FAL finished and a fab OPAM for September. I am really happy how this bag has come out! And this is also my September   One Mo...

Souvenir from holidays

During the summer, we went on a cruise on the Baltic Sea and stopped in 8 countries. Of course, it was wonderful and we saw some magnificent places, especially St Petersburg. On top of this, it was so enjoyable to have nothing to do for a while, no cleaning, no cooking, nothing at all but relax and visit lovely places, what else could I want? Nothing of course, apart maybe for some fabric :-) Well in all these visits, I only found 1 fabric shop (I must admit I didn't spend time looking for fabric shops actually!) There is a lot of linen in the Baltic area so I bought 2 pieces of fabric that the girls picked to make some napkins. AND I even made the napkins already, 6 of them! Now that's already some lovely OPAM for September. Celine

September goals

School is back in a few days and the evenings are only going to get darker and colder. Let's hope I'll be able to spend some with my sewing machine :-) Hoping for finish 1.  School bag for C - this will be my  One Monthly Goal   2. Dance bag for A 3. Dance bag for C 4. S orbetto black top -   in progress Bee Blocks  None! for the first time in years! WIP 1.  Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks 2. Gipsy Wife - my goal is to keep up with that one 3. Postcards of the world UFO / Abandoned WIP 1. HST modern sampler quilt - half way  2. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks  3. M ischief blocks New Project 1. Power trip bag 2.  Flora case 3.  Bridgetown Dress 4. A-line dress  5. Summer dress for A 6. Demoiselle dress for A 7. Imagine dress  8. Ogden Cami red 9. CaliFaye Valley Blouse 10. Megan Nielsen Matilda dress 11. Cardigan Jenna 12. Pillo...