
Showing posts from February, 2023

Back to an old UFO

  My UFO of February from the APQS UFO challenge was the Harry Potter Quilt that I started in 2019 and left aside just before I got half of the blocks done. First step was to find the pack with all the pieces and fabric and work out where I was at before it fell into the UFO black hole! I had completed 9 blocks and assembled 2 rows as well as cut all the sashing for the blocks. I managed to cut and sew one more block: Draco Malfoy And cut another one And that's all for the month of February. I had very little time in the sewing room to be honest, only managed 2 sessions last week.  Linking to  Life in Pieces ,  D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop ,  Peacock Party ,   Patchwork and Quil t CĆ©line 

Wanderlust bag

It seems sewing has taken a back seat since the beginning of the month sadly... I had great intentions but time has been too short. First there was a birthday girl to honour and then there has been quite a lot of travelling, business travel first followed by holidays. Even though I had some hand sewing projects with me while on the move, I hardly touched them. However the birthday girl was away on a school trip just before we went away as a family and was getting back very late. We were originally told pick up time would be 1am but it was then moved to 2am on the day. I was so worried that I would not hear the alarm that I decided not to go to bed while waiting for her but to sew instead. I had been willing to make a Wanderlust Bag by Sewing Seeds of Love for my youngest for a while since she doesn't have a bag to carry her phone: So I asked her to pick her fabric combination before she went to bed and set to get sewing while everyone was in bed and I was waiting to pick my advent...

Fettle those Finishes 2023

  There are so many UFO in the house that I guess I should join Helen for her year long challenge to Fettle those Finishes (or get rid of the ones that will never be finished...) Now let's look at THE list...  1.  Impromptu (started 2013) 2. Farmer's Wife 1920 quilt (started 2011) 3. Farmer's Wife 1930 quilt (started 2015) 4. Enchanted Star (started 2019) 5. Harry Potter (started 2019)  6. Gipsy Wife (started 2017) 7. Project 48 (started 2016) 8. Mini Series blocks (started 2022) 9. Kingfisher Quilt (started 2018) 10. 365 Challenge Quilt (started 2015)  11. Halo Quilt (started 2020) 12. Boho Heart (started 2021) - a few more blocks made in 2022 13. Life is Beautiful Quilt (started 2011)  14. Fandom in Stitches Quilt (started 2021) 15. Mod Mod Along Quilt (started 2014) I am restricting the list to 15 (for quilting) as the REAL list has got much more. Sadly most of them are dormant (and have been for a long while) probably because they still need a lot of wo...

February goals

  February will be busy at work and at home with birthdays and associated parties so maybe I should keep my list quite short and focus on more portable projects? And I haven't made a single block since the beginning of the year so I am not sure whether this month will be any better... Quilting 1. Farmer's Wife quilt - about 30 blocks needed still, can I make a few this month? 2. Dear Jane - let's target 2 blocks or assembling part of the rows 3. Impromptu quilt - needs quilting. It is a very big quilt so I went to get it professionally quilted. Maybe it will get sent this month... or maybe not still 4. Harry Potter  - make more blocks - let's target 5 since this one is my February project picked from the APQS UFO list! Dressmaking 1 . Forester  coat   2. Morgan Jeans - cut a few years ago Bags 1.  Moonwake bag 2. Open Wide Pouch 3. Wallet for A / phone bag for A -   I will pick this one as my   One monthly goal   4. Shamballa bag 5. Pillow card ho...