
These have been a long time coming! I thought it would be a quick and easy project but it didn't turn out how I had expected when I first tried month ago so I put it aside for later. Keeping with the quidditch theme, I offered to make the colours headbands for the local team quite a while ago. I initially envisaged making them out of stretch fabric but I didn't like how they looked once finished to make sure there were no raw edges. Plus kids and adults are playing in the same team so the head size is different. So I searched for another idea and settled on cotton headbands with a longish velcro tape so that the size would be adaptable as well as a few longer ones that can be knotted. Finally they're all done and delivered: white, yellow, green and back headbands 21 in total: 4 per colour with velcro and some long ones too. And a March finish as well! Celine