
Showing posts from March, 2023


  These have been a long time coming! I thought it would be a quick and easy project but it didn't turn out how I had expected when I first tried month ago so I put it aside for later.  Keeping with the quidditch theme, I offered to make the colours headbands for the local team quite a while ago. I initially envisaged making them out of stretch fabric but I didn't like how they looked once finished to make sure there were no raw edges. Plus kids and adults are playing in the same team so the head size is different.  So I searched for another idea and settled on cotton headbands with a longish velcro tape so that the size would be adaptable as well as a few longer ones that can be knotted.  Finally they're all done and delivered: white, yellow, green and back headbands 21 in total: 4 per colour with velcro and some long ones too.  And a March finish as well! Celine

On the train...

  Not much sewing time again the last 2-3 weeks and this has mainly be due to lack of time/too much work... I had completed the train block but wasn't happy with it so I unpicked it and remade it this week.  With this block finished, I can complete the third row of the top. I also started on the top row "Harry Potter" and had spent quite some time 2 week-ends ago cutting the pieces with little fabric to spare... only to realise that I had only cut out "Harry"... This block is actually half of the top row so counts for two really!  I don't have enough of the blue or the gold left for the other half so I am going to have to write Potter in different fabrics!  Progress on this UFO is much slower than I was expecting but I am really trying to keep at it. I guess I average about "one" block a week at the moment and I don't think I'll manage to get faster any time soon. Last week I only managed to sew one time, this week has been better with 4 da...


  Very slowly I am making progress on my Harry Potter UFO. I finished Hogwarts crest at the week-end, just in time for the Quidditch tournament that was held in our town! One more block for the top but quite a few still to go! Hopefully soon as I am happy to be able to report that I have managed 5 days of sewing this last week, a great improvement after I didn't manage more than one day a week for the whole of February. Linking to   Life in Pieces ,  D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop ,  Peacock Party ,   Patchwork and Quil t CĆ©line

March goals

On top of being a longer month than February, I have no planned travel for March so I should in theory have more sewing time, or so I hope anyway... A few projects on the list I would like to progress or maybe even finish, who knows? Quilting 1. Farmer's Wife quilt - about 30 blocks needed still, can I make a few this month? 2. Dear Jane - let's target 2 blocks or assembling part of the rows 3. Impromptu quilt - needs quilting. It is a very big quilt so I went to get it professionally quilted. I would really like to send this one off to the quilter this month, it has been so long since I have planned to do so... 4. Harry Potter  - I'd really like to finish all the blocks this month but this is quite a lot of work still, so let's see how many I will manage Dressmaking 1 . Forester  coat    2. Morgan Jeans - cut a few years ago 3. Nightdress Bags 1.  Moonwake bag 2. Open Wide Pouch 3. Town bag by Grainline (cut) -   I will pick this one as my   One month...

February Furtle

  I had anticipated that I would not have much sewing time and I probably had even less than I hoped. With 2 business trips and one week of holidays, there wasn't much time left to spend in the sewing room. I took some portable projects for my travels but didn't touch any of them in the end.  I managed to make a little handbag for my youngest, just before we went away so I was very happy with that and she loved it (she picked the fabrics). I also cut another bag that's in progress and hopefully won't become a UFO! More to come soon I hope... Talking of which, I digged out an old UFO, my Harry Potter blocks from the quilt along which started in 2019 but has been abandoned for a while... I only completed one more block this month and cut another one. Not much progress but also very little time to work on it! That's all for February. I hope there will be more opportunities for sewing time in March! Linking to February Furtle . CĆ©line