April recap

I must admit that despite the long list I had written, I didn't have high expectations for sewing time this month with half of it spent travelling in China but I did manage a few things on our return, which feels good! Hoping for finish 1. Dance bag for C - not started but it would be good to finish it at the same time as the other one more or less . This will be my One monthly goal - finished.... just in time! Better photos in daylight tomorrow (if we get any decent light of course!) WIP 1. Farmer's wife - no progress 2. Gipsy Wife - lots of catch up needed here - no progress 3. Postcards of the world - 1 postcard finished, 2 more to do 4. Farmer's Wife 1930 - let's try to continue to keep up more or less - I would really like to pick this one up again.... - no progress UFO / Abandoned WIP 1. HST modern sampler quilt - (19 blocks) - this one was my February goa...