
Showing posts from January, 2023

January Furtle

  Wow, this has been a productive month on the sewing front (for a change!)  2 (very) long standing UFOs finished (admittedly, they didn't take very long and could/should have been finished years ago...) 1 cushion repaired (how long for?? šŸ¤”šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒ) 2 new tops in my wardrobe and just a little cross-stitching I must admit that joining Kate's challenge of spending at least 15 minutes on sewing related activities 4 times a week has really help to get going! And that allows me to tick 2 (probably the easiest) projects off my PhD in 2023 list . Linking to January Furtle CĆ©line

A second Socks

  I am not sure I ever been that fast to sew up a fabric after buying it or to sew a pattern for a second time but this week I made myself a second Socks Pullover. I made a slightly different version with a lower collar and the faux buttoning on the shoulder. I cut exactly the same size for this second one and somehow, it came out much tighter, still fine to wear but much more fitted. The fabric is a viscose/polyester jersey that I bought in Lille last Saturday for my first visite to Les Tissus de Lille. I found some lovely buttons in my stash to add to the shoulder. For a neater finish, I decided to add a band over the raw edge of the neckline. I had to sew it by hand first as it was quite fiddly but I am happy with the result as it looks much neater. Of course it didn't take long to make this second version. I assembled everything with my overlocker (same as the first one actually). I managed to finish it on Friday night so I have worn it this week-end. Maybe this is my new favor...

Socks Pullover

  A new IG challenge, how could I resist, especially knowing I had some fabric in my stash that would work and winter is not yet over rather it's come back recently! And this works for 2 IG challenges actually, since January #magamsewalong is #Jumpstart. I discovered this new Socks pullover pattern by Moi Je Couds on IG through the ongoing challenge. The pattern is very versatile and you can make a Socks for all your family as the pack includes kids & men pattern too as a special offer until mid-February. I managed to cut the fabric the previous week-end and sew it over the last week.  I cut between size 42 and 44 for this pattern and added one inch to the overall length. It is quite roomy and I could probably have cut the smaller size (42) but I was worried my fabric might not have been stretchy enough.  I was planning on the option with mitts as my hands are always so cold while I am working at the computer. There is even a video tutorial to make those: https...


After some traumatic times, our family grew by one at the end of November when we welcomed a lovely new puppy to try and ease things for all. Of course, we bought all sort of things for our new arrival, including a cushion that was shut by a zip that he duly took time to rip off and chew. Next step for him was to tear the inside cushion to get the fluff out. We took the cushion away so that he wouldn't choke on the fluff and I thought I would try to mend it. Well, this is finally done today. I very roughly cut around the old cushion in some polyester fabric I had at home (used years ago to make the inside of a bean bag) to make a new insert. I then put the insert back into the cushion cover and sew it all shut (I had planned to add velcro originally but decided against it as he might just chew it off and the cover had been ripped when he tore off the zip.) I can't really say it looks like new again but at least it is mended... at least until he gets his teeth into it again! And...

Storm (at Sea) is over

  Another week, another finish. I am sure I won't sustain that rhythm for very long but let's make the most of it while it last! I picked up my mini Storm at Sea top that had been ready for quilting since last January and had re-joined the UFO pile. I had originally started the piecing in 2010 , not sure why it took me so long to finally get back to it really! I found a very nice fabric in my stash, one that had been there for over 15 years for sure.  The quilting is a very straight forward stitch in the ditch, with my favorite King Tut's thread. As for the binding, another fabric from my stash, a batik this time, to keep with the top, that I finished hand sewing yesterday. One less UFO in my pile and one more crossed off my PhD list . And I can happily report that I spent at least 4x15 minutes in the sewing room this week working on this UFO. Linking to  Life in Pieces ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop , ...

A (re) finish

  This messenger bag has been in my UFO pile for 12 years... yes I know that's an awfully long time for a rather simple bag. I started it in 2010 and finished it in 2015 to gift it to my cousin.  Apart that the zip was not detachable and therefore it just didn't work.... so I unpicked the zip and found a detachable one that I kept inside the bag ready to be attach. I then stored it away for later.  Well later finally arrived last night... it really direct take long to sew the zip on and finally finish this bag that I started about 12 years ago.  Not sure what I'll do with it but at least it is now usable or giftable.... My first finish for 2023, my first project ticked off my PhD list ! Linking to  Patchwork and Quilt ,  Design Wall Monday Celine

Stitching time

  The first week of the year is over and I am happy to report that I have managed some "stitching time" 5 times this week. I am counting the stitching time rather loosely by including pattern printing and cutting into the mix. The first 3 days I managed some stiching on my Grimm Along cross-stitch, 3 nights in a row. Not massive progress but some progress indeed! I finished a long-standing bag UFO one evening (blog post to come soon) And today I spent some time printing and cutting a pattern. I also selected a backing fabric for a mini quilt that I started quilting tonight. I also spent a full evening decluterring and tidying my sewing corner which was much needed and felt so good! For a better definition of my goal, for next week, I will aim to spend 4 times 15 minutes in my sewing room doing anything sewing/stitching related. Linking to Life in Pieces CĆ©line

PhD in 2023

I am joining Quilting Gail again for PhD in 2023 challenge. Of course I have (lots of) UFOs is like to finish this year (or get rid of, whatever that entails). Let's have a look 1.  Impromptu (started 2013) 2. Morgan jeans  (started 2019)  3. Farmer's Wife quilt (started 2011) 4. Storm at Sea (started 2010)  5. Harry Potter (started 2019)  6. Gipsy Wife (started 2017) 7. Project 48 (started 2016) 8. Mini Series blocks (started 2022) 9. Moonwake or other handbag (pattern cut) 10. Forester coat (started 2022)  11. Messenger bag - needs a zip at the top on the internal pocket 12. Boho Heart (started 2021) - a few more blocks made in 2022 Linking to  Quilting Gail PhD in 202 3 CĆ©line 

PhD in 2022 report

  Well once again I didn't qualify to a full PhD... but at least I have some finish to report! Looking back at my list for last year,  I completed 5 projects and progressed 4, 3 projects did not get touched at all. I 1. Super Mario quilt (started 2012) - finished December 2022 2. Flabellum (started 2021)  - finished September 2022 3. Impromptu (started 2013) - no progress 4. Remus bag  (started 2021)  - finished January 2022 5. The Utility Coat  (started 2021)  -  finished November 2022 6. Morgan jeans  (started 2019)  -  no progress 7. Farmer's Wife quilt (started 2011) -  a few more blocks made in 2022  8. Persephone purse  (started 2021)  - finished March 2022 9. Storm at Sea (started 2010) - top assembled January 2022 10. Harry Potter (started 2019) -  no progress 11. The Nutcracker Parade cross-stitch - a lot more stitches added 12. Boho Heart (started 2021) - a few more blocks made in 2022 Linking...