A second Socks

 I am not sure I ever been that fast to sew up a fabric after buying it or to sew a pattern for a second time but this week I made myself a second Socks Pullover. I made a slightly different version with a lower collar and the faux buttoning on the shoulder.

I cut exactly the same size for this second one and somehow, it came out much tighter, still fine to wear but much more fitted. The fabric is a viscose/polyester jersey that I bought in Lille last Saturday for my first visite to Les Tissus de Lille.

I found some lovely buttons in my stash to add to the shoulder.

For a neater finish, I decided to add a band over the raw edge of the neckline. I had to sew it by hand first as it was quite fiddly but I am happy with the result as it looks much neater.

Of course it didn't take long to make this second version. I assembled everything with my overlocker (same as the first one actually). I managed to finish it on Friday night so I have worn it this week-end.

Maybe this is my new favorite? And another finish for January 🙂 I now have a pair of Socks 😉😁 (sorry I couldn't resist!)

And with that, I have also managed to spend at least 4x15 minutes on sewing related activities this week again. 

Linking to Life in Pieces, Design Wall MondayMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossHappy Needle and ThreadPut your foot downBrag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayCan I get a Whoop WhoopPeacock Party, Patchwork and Quilt



  1. Very cute! I've not sewn clothing in years, not sure I could at this point. You did a great job, it looks very professional.

  2. What a lovely pair of Socks! Love how this version turned out. Those buttons are the perfect added touch. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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