
It seems that somehow the end of the school year has crept on me even more than usual... I suddenly realised last Sunday that the kids were about to start their last week, i.e. that teachers' presents were needed to be completed by the end of the week but I hadn't even made a start... I needed 4 this year and one was needed by Wednesday morning not Friday + Wednesday evening was the annual fete de la musique (music festival for the summer solstice) which meant that that was one last evening to work on the presents. I settled on the Zero Waste Wave bag pattern by bag.uettes that I had used extensively 2 years ago before our big move. I digged into my faux leather stash and found 2 sets of 2 fabrics that would work for the outside. The bag is not lined in the original pattern but my faux leather back is not necessarily pretty so I opted to line them. With the pieces all cut, first step was to make the handles, I opted for the spaghettis ones this time, which ends up being quit...