September in review

September is always a month of new starts but also back to routine! School started back earlier in the month, and work has been extremely busy. I have tried to concentrate on making overdue bee blocks but I am still behind. Hoping for finish 1. Scrappy X block quilt - only need quilting - this will be my choice (again) in September for the One Monthly Goal with Heidi - finished 2. Book bee blocks to make into a wall-hanging - no progress Bee Blocks 1. Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (September ) - done 2. Bee Hive ( September ) 3. Bubble Bee ( August, September ) - August done, September in progress 4. I love Lucy International (August, September) 5. Scandi Bee (July, August, September ) - July, August done 6. Fat Stash Bee (July) 7. Block lotto (3) WIP 1. Wanta Fanta - need 8 more blocks - no progress 2....