February in review

February is a short month of course and a busy one in our family for birthdays... so I always end up having little time to sew in the end. Plus work is really busy at the moment so unfortunately, sewing time has been really rare this month and I haven't achieved much... bu I have a new dress! Hoping for finish 1. Dance bag for A - have gone as far as cutting the fabric - no progress 2. Dance bag for C - not started but it would be good to finish it at the same time as the other one more or less - no progress 3. This will be my One monthly goal again - done WIP 1. Farmer's wife - no progress 2. Gipsy Wife - lots of catch up needed here - no progress 3. Postcards of the world - 2 more postcards to draw and 1 to finish - no progress 4. Farmer's Wife 1930 - about caught up, I have blocks 1-16 together now UFO / Abandoned WIP 1. HST modern sampler quilt - half way (12 blocks) - thi...