September in review

Once again, it has been a busy month... will that ever change? School started back earlier in the month and I traveled 3 times in the last 3 weeks so of course sewing time was rather limited. I was lucky to go on a sewing retreat so although my sewing output has not been very much, I managed to make some outerwear, which is a rather big project! Hoping for finish 1. Summit peak top, cut and ready to be sewn - This will be my One monthly goal - sadly no progress 2. Scrappy Trip Along - red and green blocks needed - sadly no progress 3. Tabor v-neck - cut - sadly no progress 4. Kingfisher sew-along - more blocks needed! - sadly no progress 5. Pencil roll - finished 6. Pencil case - finished WIP 1. Farmer's wife - the sew along has just started, time to get going again - sadly no progress 2. Gipsy Wife - lots of catch up needed here - sadly no progress 3. Postcards ...