October in review

October started very summery here but the weather has turned really cold towards the end of the month. I am so happy that I have a rather productive month in the sewing room. Quite a few finishes, including projects that has been languishing for a little while... Hoping for finish 1. Bubbles quilt, only the binding needs to be finished (hand sewing on the back). This will be my One monthly goal - finished 2. Summit peak top, cut and ready to be sewn 3. Scrappy Trip Along - red and green blocks needed 4. Tabor v-neck - cut and ready to be sewn - finished 5. Pyjama M - finished 6. Seeing Stars Sew Along - all blocks finished, ready for quilting 7. Aveiro cardigan WIP 1. Farmer's wife - the sew along has just started, time to get going again - also my October APQ UFO challenge.... 2. Gipsy Wife - lots of catch up needed here 3. Postcards of the world - only one postcard to finish!...