September furtle

Sadly there isn't much to furtle about on my blog this month. I only managed one finish and one blog post for the whole month, which is rather shocking/disappointing. In reality, I have sewn a little bit more than just the bralette I showed yesterday but it seems that I have done lots of little bits but nothing to the end. I started a Calvin dress but I didn't go very far. I started sewing my Sirocco jumpsuit but didn't go very far either. I cut a pair of Quadra jeans for my hubby but didn't go further than the back pockets. I started some baby rattles and only finished one out of 3 I started to make some sunglasses pouches but only made 3 The one thing that I nearly finished is my new Jangle Anchor Bags. It really only needs the bling now but I need my husband to help for this step and he has important deadlines early October so it will have to wait until after then.... Linking to September Furtle Celine