September furtle

Sadly there isn't much to furtle about on my blog this month. I only managed one finish and one blog post for the whole month, which is rather shocking/disappointing. In reality, I have sewn a little bit more than just the bralette I showed yesterday but it seems that I have done lots of little bits but nothing to the end.
I started a Calvin dress but I didn't go very far.
I started sewing my Sirocco jumpsuit but didn't go very far either.
I cut a pair of Quadra jeans for my hubby but didn't go further than the back pockets.
I started some baby rattles and only finished one out of 3
I started to make some sunglasses pouches but only made 3
The one thing that I nearly finished is my new Jangle Anchor Bags. It really only needs the bling now but I need my husband to help for this step and he has important deadlines early October so it will have to wait until after then....

Linking to September Furtle



  1. You still have achieved a lot Celine 😁 sometimes it's not about the finishes

  2. I can so empathise with starting and not getting very far! I'm impressed with the wide range of things you sew--the bralette looks very professional, and the bag too. *applauds* Brava--well done! :D

  3. That's the beauty of a furtle: anything goes, not just finishes!! We're all about celebrating the small steps. And the big ones. And managing to stay standing still instead of going backwards!

  4. Sounds like you started some fun projects. Good luck getting more things along in October!


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