PhD in 2021?

 2021 could be the year to get my UFO under control? I think I need some help so I will be joining Quilting Gail on her quest to PhD in 2021

I have far more than 12 UFOs sadly (more like 30+), but the 12 I would like to finish in 2021 are:

1. Retro Tetro (started 2020) - I need to finish sewing the binding and bury the gazillions of threads
2. Snowflake (started 2020) - this one needs quilting
3. Super Mario quilt (started 2012) - this one needs a few more blocks
4. Halo quilt (started 2020)- blocks are not yet completed, more cutting to do too.
5. Harry Potter (started 2019) - 8 blocks completed?
6. Gipsy Wife (started 2017) - needs lots of blocks
7. Modern HST (started 2016) - 1 block needed but I don't have enough background left
8. Project 48 (started 2016)- what to do with those blocks?
9. Sewing Studio banner (started 2018) - partly pieced
10. Impromptu (started 2013) - some blocks completed
11. Storm at Sea (started 2010) - needs more blocks
12. 365 challenge (started 2016) - not even half way

Linking to PHD in 2021.



  1. Some treasures here. I don't think I dare to put up a list.

  2. Nice projects, guess it is UFO finishing year. For me too.

  3. Great selection of projects. Makes me feel better about some of my long neglected UFOs. Looking forward to seeing your progress on Harry Potter.


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