March in review

It didn't start too bad really and I managed to sew at the beginning of the month but somehow I completely lost my motivation/time/energy to sew for a large part of the month. Life has just been too busy, my head has been too full and although I had some (free) time, I didn't sew much for most of the month. It has been quite a roller-coaster of a month actually and that has made me rather tired. Let's hope April is better month, hopefully the dust will have settled on a few other things and maybe I will have more creativity sparks... At least I have made this computer bag for school and gifted it so this is off my list for sure! I made only 2 (!) blocks this month, which were the last week 2 blocks for the Boho Sew Along... I am only 7 weeks behind now... The other project that finally saw some progress is the Super Mario quilt. I got all the blocks out and decided to make a quilt top from them and I happily finished it last night! Now it is ready for quilting. Linking t...