Winter PJs

 I had to move most of my dressmaking fabric stash recently as well as my boxes of leftover which I've discovered got wet during one of the cellar flooding... sadly some of the pieces now have stains but I've washed most of them now and went through them to work out what I should get rid off. 

I found leftover jersey pieces from PJs I made to my eldest daughter about 5 years ago, too childish for her now but I thought I'd try to make a PJ for her sister (who is older than she was at the time!). 

 Cutting the 2 pairs of PJs out of the leftovers was quite a challenge but I got most pieces out, but a few.

I complimented the pattern pieces with a piece of leftover solid black which I found in the same box too. 

I've only managed to sew one of the 2 I cut earlier in the month. 

She's slept in her new PJ once and told me it had a hole at the back of the trousers. When I looked closely, I realised the fabric was damaged there and had lots of tiny holes that must have tear through when she wore the pants. I tried to fix it by not sure how it will resist. 

I'm thinking I should take it apart and replace that piece of fabric... will I ever do it? Future will tell!

I had fancy cut some pieces for the labels too as these are soft enough on the skin. 

While going through my stash I also found a full piece of organic Jersey with horses, perfect for a new pair of PJ for my eldest daughter, or so I thought! 

Another challenging cutting session as  I only had 1.5m and she now has very long legs!

Anyway all the pieces fitted in the end and she now has a lovely new pair of PJs that she's been wearing as much as she could!

2 new PJs this month and one more ready to be assembled, when I get time. For both I used the trusted 11th hour gear pattern by Pattern Niche, size 10 for the smaller one and size 16 for the bigger one. 

Linking to Design Wall MondayMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossHappy Needle and ThreadPut your foot downBrag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayCan I get a Whoop WhoopPeacock PartyPatchwork and Quilt.



  1. What lovely work you do! So sorry about the flooding but you rescued and used these pieces so well. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Ah mince pour les fuites au plafond... J'espère que tu n'as pas souffert des nouvelles inondations de cette semaine. Malgré les complications, les 2 pyjamas sont très réussis, et semblent bien confortables et chaud. J'aime beaucoup le premier, bicolore !
    Merci pour le partage ;-)


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