
Showing posts from March, 2024

March Furtle

  March has been quite busy with some holidays, a big birthday, still a lot of stress as we are continuing to try to move house and of course quite a lot of work.  I have tried to steal some sewing time to face the chaos! I have also spent a lovely afternoon learning to make a yummy and beautiful cake with my mum Only one finish this month with the tote bag for my friend's birthday. And quite a few blocks to try and catch up on the sew-along, not all caught up yet but I am getting there!  5 blocks for the Modern Cityscape and the 2 first rows are completed 5 birthday blocks and  1 Dear Jane block And I started a new quilt-along too... maybe I shouldn't have?! Linking to March Furtle CĆ©line

To Do Tuesday

It seems that I have had a little more time for sewing this week, despite lots of other priorities too... Time for another list anyway Let's look at the list I had written last week... 1. F inish blocks #8 & #9 and make block #10 for the Modern City Scape  -  finished and Row 1 & 2 are even sewn together 2.  Catch up on the 3 Birthday blocks I haven't yet done -  -  finished and it wasn't 3 but 5 actually! 3. Sew the next Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & March  -   no progress 4.  Complete 2 Hexie blocks -   no progress 5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E  -  still in progress This week I have managed 4 days of sewing  keeping up with my goal for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate Time to plan for the week ahead... 1. M ake block #11 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Make Birthday block #13  3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & March...

Birthday blocks

  Wow it is easy and fast to get behind with quilt-along that have weekly new blocks! I knew I had some catch up to do on the Birthday Blocks quilt-along but I hadn't realised I was already 5 blocks behind. Well I have finally caught up with all of them. I made February blocks in red and March blocks in purple to follow with the Rainbow Scraps Challenge. Here are blocks #8 & 9 from February and blocks # 10, 11 & 12 from March And all 12 blocks together All ready for the next one tomorrow!  Linking to  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Can I  get a Whoop Whoop ,  Patchwork and Quilt ,  Purple Saturday CĆ©line

Modern City Scape - 2 rows

  Finally caught up, wow! It took a while in the end. Block #8 #9    and #10 are finished And with those additional 3 blocks, row 2 is complete. I've also joined the 2 rows together, it is taking shape šŸ™‚ Linking to    D esign  Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Put your foot down CĆ©line 

To Do Tuesday

Time seems to go so fast with weeks flying by... I can't believe it is Tuesday again... Time to plan for a new week again Let's look at the list I had written last week... 1. F inish blocks #8 and make block #9 for the Modern City Scape -  both still in progress 2.  Catch up on the 3 Birthday blocks I haven't yet done  -   no progress 3. Sew the next Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & March  -   no progress 4. Make a bag/pouch for my friend's birthday -  finished 5. Complete 2 Hexie blocks    -   no progress 6.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E -  in progress This week I have managed 5 days of sewing  keeping up with my goal for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate Time to plan for the week ahead... 1. F inish blocks #8 & #9 and make block #10 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Catch up on the 3 Birthday blocks I haven't yet done 3. Sew the next Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along block...

Tote bag

Nothing better than a tight deadline to focus my attention! I bought a panel to make a birthday present for my friend a few months ago and of course it had sat there since. Well her birthday was on Sunday and she invited us for a meal so I knew I had to finish my gift by then. I was originally planning to make a pouch but the panel was rather large at 17''+ so I decided a tote bag would be more appropriate. First step was to pick a complementary faux leather for the back of the bag as well as a lining. The printed panel was quite thin so I decided to use faux leather for the front and back and to simply attach the panel to the faux leather. I added a small pocket to the lining, as well as an elastic to keep a water bottle straight in the bag and of course, a cute little label. Once the panels were assembled I cut out a 2'' square off each corner to box off the bag. And I found this lovely black glittery webbing at my local market on Saturday morning for the straps. All ...

Modern City Scape

  I was planning/hoping to catch up on blocks #6 & #7 before we went on holidays but I ended making all the pieces but not managing to assemble them all. I managed to finish them both just after we came back from holidays and to sew them together. I also got started on block #8 but it is not complete yet.  Still need to get going on block#9 which was released this week. Linking to  D esign  Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Can I  get a Whoop Whoop ,  Patchwork and Quilt CĆ©line

To Do Tuesday

So last week we were away on a skiing holiday, although I didn't ski to stay with my youngest daughter who managed to injure her shoulder BEFORE we left to go skiing. I had planned mainly hand sewing for the past week, to do in the car and on holidays and I happily managed to get some done Let's look at the list I had written last week... 1. F inish blocks #6 & #7 and make block #8 for the Modern City Scape    - #6 & #7 are finished ; #8 is in progress 2.  Catch up on the 3 Birthday blocks I haven't yet done  -   no progress 3. Sew the next Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & March  -   no progress 4. Complete 2 Dear Jane blocks -  E9 is finished ; E13  is in progress 5. Complete 2 Hexie blocks -  in progress 6. Do a l ittle cross-stitch  -   no progress This week I have managed 6 days of sewing  related activities , keeping up with my goal for  15 minutes to stitch with Kate . Time to ...

E9: Quilting jail

  This block definitely felt like being in jail... so many tiny pieces and so many opportunities for issues with all the lines to align. I really tried my best but the block is not perfect...BUT "finished is better than perfect" so I will learn to live with it. It has been a long time coming since I started it during our holiday in Canada last summer and only finished it this week while on holidays. I had picked it up again at time but it was so hard to align all the pieces that I easily lost motivation. Finally this past week, I tackled it, since I was in a lovely spot, sewing with a view! Once I finished the center I noticed than one of the stripe was quite wonky. I decided to unpick it and sew it back. Well I am not sure I have made it better really, so it was time to leave it be.... This little block is 35 pieces without the sashing.  Once the sashing was added and I was ready to add it to row E, I noticed I had made a mistake when again E10 to E11...  After unpicking...

To Do Tuesday

Another week when my head has been very very full with everything going on... more questions than answers at the moment really but hopefully we are moving in the right direction, future will tell, I hope it will be very soon... I managed to steal some very small amount of time to sew, not much to show for it though. Let's look at the list I had written last week... 1. Finish block #6 and make block #7 for the Modern City Scape  - both started but not finished 2. Catch up on the next 2 birthday blocks  -   no progress 3. Work on Dear Jane Row E -  some progress on E9 4. Do a little cross-stitch -  no progress 5. Cut and sew hexagons for  Jemima's Creative Quilting 2024 Mystery Hexagon Quilt sew along (yes that's another quilt along...)  -  started  This week I have managed 5 days of sewing  related activities , keeping up with my goal for  15 minutes to stitch with Kate . Time to plan for the week ahead... 1. F inish blocks #6 ...

March goals

  I didn't manage to sew as much in February and I am already falling behind in some of my quilt-along but let's try to catch up and keep going... Qui lting 1.  Dear Jane - hoping to finish row E... all the blocks are cut now. 2. Modern City Scape - hoping to catch up and continue with this quilt along 3. Birthday blocks -  hoping to  catch up and  continue with this quilt along 4. Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - February and March blocks 5. Mystery Scrap galore - get started on this blocks  6. Farmer's Wife - 1 or 2 blocks? 7. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top 8. Jemina's hexagon quilt-long - let's get started on another one ;-) Dressmaking / Sewing 1.  Finish my Forester coat (started 2 years ago)? 2. Morgan jeans Bags / Accessories 1.  Town bag by Grainline - cut and started early last year, I haven't touched it since... 2.   Bag for A  3. Zippered pouch for my friend -  -  this will be my  ...