Mini thimbles

 A few weeks back, a new sew along started to sew fussy cut mini thimbles with Happy Sew Lucky. I was hoping to keep the pace but failed miserably. I nearly made the first 2 blocks on time and then completely got lost...

Finally this week I've finished 4 little thimbles

I'm hoping I can make a few more here and there...

Linking to Design Wall Monday Midweek MakersWednesday Wait LossNeedle and Thread ThursdayPut your foot downBrag about your BeautiesOff the wall FridayPatchwork and Quilt,



  1. Cute little thimbles! Each one is an accomplishment all by itself, so it looks like a fun project.

  2. Adorables ! J'ai hésité à faire ce QAL, pas trop de temps en ce moment, tes blocs sont très réussis !
    Merci pour le partage ;)


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