November Furtle
I thought I had started quite well, finally finding some little pockets of time to sew after a very unproductive month and then this happened... on 20th, which stopped me in my tracks in some ways....
At the beginning of the month I had managed to finally finish my Modern City Scape top. And I have even taken all the papers out now!
I also made 3 more thimble blocks so I now have 5
one mini alphabet letter
and a little tea cup that I am hoping to turn into a pouch
And nothing more really. Everything is quite challenging at the moment with this metal frame around my little finger. Hoping this comes off soon-ish but it is already 10 days...Linking to November Furtle
I’m really sorry you’ve hurt your hand/finger, I hope it heals well. Thanks for Furtling, sorry I’m late!