December goals

 December is always such a busy month that I shouldn't really plan much. It is also the time when new QAL are posted and temptation to take one or 10 new projects is very high!!! Maybe I should concentrate on finishing a few things?


1. Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - only January and March done... think about what to do with those blocks?

2. Dear Jane - I should really really finish row F before the end of the year... 1 block needed

3. Birthday blocks - only about 12 blocks done, maybe finish it to make a cushion cover

4. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top

5. Tambo star - hoping to start this new quilt along, as I have already missed the boat.

6. Mini alphabet quilt along - one block done, make a pouch out of it?

7. Fussy cut thimbles sew along - new quilt along from October - 5 blocks done so far - decide what to do with them?

Dressmaking / Sewing

1. Sew a piece of clothing for me: blouse, trousers, summer dress, Morgan jeans
2. Sew one or 2 new PJ for A  &/or C
3. Work on my Winter Coat from last year
4. Finish Silvia Coatigan

Bags / Accessories

1. Town bag by Grainline - cut and started early last year, I haven't touched it since... - decide whether to finish it or ditch it
2. Bag for A 
3. Tea cup pouch this will be my One monthly goal
4. Christmas ornements
5. Accessories to give away (bookmarks?)
6. Small Christmas presents
7. Finish my Iris bag by Dunelace 


1. Nutcracker stitch along

Linking to One Monthly Goal



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