
Showing posts from February, 2011

Blog hop - welcome and giveaway

Thank you for joining " Our Craft Forum "ā€™s blog hop. So what is ā€œOur Craft Forumā€? A craft forum for like minded people who love crafts. Mostly patchwork, stitching, quilting and the like. Itā€™s a safe place to make new friends who share a love of craft & to have some fun and a little bit of laughter along the way & to join in on swaps of all types. This week end is designed to tell our blogging friends about our wonderful forum and to invite you to be a part of our forum. Several of our members will be offering tutorials, giveaways and some tips of the trade. The blog hop starts at miss~nances blog so if you want to join us on the whole journey please go there now and follow the links at the bottom of each post to find the next blog along the way. Each person who joins our forum from this blog hop will go in the draw for a craft pack. So to join our forum, please go to Our Craft Forum and register. Entries close at MIDNIGHT EDST (Sydney time) Sunday ...

Latest framed hexie

I finished my latest framed hexie today and it is flying towards Natalie now. I used the birdie design from Little Miss Shabby's BOM. I really like how it turned out, this is probably one of my favorite one. Remember, the blog hop will start very soon... Stay tuned! Celine

Potholders in the mail

After playing with my triangles and hexagons, my potholders are finally in the mail today. I hope my swap partner likes them. They were fun to make once I got over my mistakes! Here are the combinations I went for in the end: Celine

Little Birdies block #2

... is finished. I showed you the stitching last week and it is now framed as well! I really enjoy this BOM and can't wait for block # 3! Celine

My cards have arrived in the US

Do you remember this post ? Well, my cards have reached Lenna who has posted very pretty pictures on her blog . Go and check them out, they are a lot nicer than the ones I took myself! Celine

Playing with triangles and hexies

The deadline for the "Monochrome Pot Holder Pass" is fast approaching and although I had an idea of what to do for a while, I hadn't had chance to start until this week(-end). I had so much plan for the week as I was off work but didn't achieve much with my tonsillitis and Baby Girl's ear infection. Anyway, at least we are both on the mend now! I am really into hexies so I thought about making some hexagonal Pot Holder built from equilateral triangles, inspired by the Hexagon Quilt-along from Jaybird Quilts. So I pieced some strips together and cut them as triangles and then started to play while arranging the triangles into an hexagon, so many possibilities: Once I had decided which arrangement to go for, I thought I would be clever and use a "flip and stitch" method to attach the triangles together. So I started sewing my triangles to one another while on the wadding and it was all going relatively well until the last one when I realised I would...

Blog hop starting next Friday, save your week-end!

This weekend " Our Craft Forum " is hosting a blog hop, from noon Friday 25 to Midnight Sunday 27 February EDST (Australian time). So what is ā€œ Our Craft Forum ā€? A craft forum for like minded people who loves crafts. Mostly patchwork, stitching, quilting and the like. Itā€™s a safe place to make new friends who share a love of craft & to have some fun and a little bit of laughter along the way & to join in on swaps of all types (you have seen some on my blog with the framed hexies and flower hexies particularly). This week-end is designed to tell our blogging friends about our wonderful forum and to invite you to be a part of our forum. Several of our members will be offering tutorials, giveaways and some tips of the trade. The blog hop starts at miss~nances blog so if you want to join us on the whole journey please go to and follow the links at the bottom of each post to find the next blog along the way. Each person who join...

Latest framed hexie received

I received 2 more lovely framed hexies, one from Linda who spelt my name in Chinese, how clever! and one from Natalie who made a very interesting use of a button and coordinating fabric, so effective! I have now been in the swap for a year and have 12 lovely hexies. Good news, Lenna has just informed me that she received my cards today, posted on Tuesday, that was fast. Great because this means that I will be in the swap. Can't wait to receive some cards back! See you soon! Celine

Little Birdie block #2

I finished stitching my Little Birdie block #2 last week. Baby Girl fell in love with the birdies kissing when she saw them and grabbed the block. I rescued it back to take a picture and know need to put the squares border on. I really enjoy this BOM and can't wait to see what next block will be like. See you soon. Celine

Birthday girl had a bag

Baby Daughter turned 2 (already) at the week-end. This is not her cake but I baked a special birthday cake for herļ»æ with cream and rasberries. She wasn't so sure about blowing the candles but enjoyed unwrapping her presents. I made one of her presents which was a little hand-bag. She loves bags and didn't have any so I made her a tiny one that she seems to enjoy so much that she had to take it out with her today when we went into town, so cute! I also started to work on a bag for myself which only needs the lining to be finished now. I wanted a bag to go to work so designed it to best fit my needs. I also based my design on a bag by Radley that I liked. I was hoping to finish my bag this week during my leave but at the moment, my energy levels are pretty low with the tonsillitis and temperature. See you soon, Celine

Texas Tears

I finally finished Block #4 of the Civil War BOW. I am falling behind as Block #7 was published on Sunday. For this block I had to unpick because the triangle points had disappear. It isn't perfect yet but I will keep it as it is. Although I am not in Texas, we had some tears today. I am on my first day of parental leave looking after a very stubborn 2-year old DD. Her favorite word at the moment is NO! Mummy has got tonsillitis with some fever so the day was long and difficult. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. See you soon, Celine

My cards are in the post

Earlier this month, I signed up (late) for Lenna's Vintage Cards swap . I haven't done such a swap before so I was a bit anxious but in the end, I had fun making my cards. So today I finally sent my envelope to Lenna with my 3 cards set for the swap, I hope it gets there in time as the deadline for the swap is 26 February. For the first card I made, I "dyed" the card with some tea as it was too white. I then used of the postcard provided by Lenna and some scraps of lace I had at home.  I wasn't too adventurous with the envelope just sticking a piece of the same pink lace on the side. For the second card, I found a vintage picture of Paris and also an old map of Paris. I had a lovely ribbon with travel words on it and corner stamps that I also used. I used the same ribbon and stamps on the envelope. For my last card, I used a vintage advertisement for shoes by BALLY that I covered with black organza and used some red lace to lift the card up. The colours on the...

A bunch of flowers

I don't think I have shown you the flower hexies I have made and received for a little while so here is a lovely "bouquet". Enjoy! I made 3 Christmassy ones for Natalie in December - her colour choice was Christmas fabrics so it was very appropriate for the month. I made her 3 instead of one to be forgiven for sending late. I had made some hexies, ready to send before the date of the swap, only to realise that I hadn't made for the right swap partner. Have you ever done that? Is it just me?  This was my January hexie in a pink and shabby style  And February hexie in bright colours with a black center. I actually made 2 of these because I received a bonus hexie from one of the swappee who also add the same colour scheme  And these are the lovely "dotty" hexies I received over the last few months. Last Saturday was sewing day for me. It was a "bag day", I'll show you very soon what I made. Celine