Get your scraps, ready go!

April will be my month as a Queen Bee in Sew Euro Bee An. After much thoughts and hesitations over which block to pick, I have set my heart on a scrappy X block inspired by Bonnie Hunter's but with a slight variation as I want the scrappy strips to be bordered by a solid white strip. I am writing a tutorial for the block as I also want it a different size from Bonnie's block. Bonnie is using foundation piecing but I did mine with normal piecing. Ready?

Click on read more below for the full tutorial with pictures!

For a 12.5' block, you will need:
  • 4 x 4.5' background square (I am using Kona Coal) sliced in 2 along the diagonal to give 8 half square triangles
  • 3 x 1' white strip (I am using Kona white)
  • assortment of scraps at least 3.5' wide and between 1' and 3' in length (conversation prints, text, fussy cut bits work well for this I think!)
1. Sew your scraps into a rectangle until you have a piece at least 9.5' long.

2. Press and square it up to 3.5' x 9.5'

3. Find the middle of the strip at 1¾'  and cut off the corner of the strip at a 45° angle. Repeat for all 4 corners.

4. Add a white strip on each side of the scrappy pointed rectangle
5. Trim the white strips off.

6. Add a background half square triangles to each white strip

7. Trim your first unit to a 6.5' square taking care not to offset the scrappy strip.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 three times.
9. Assemble the 4 units into a scrappy X and you are done!

Please let me know if you find my tutorial useful or if there is anything which isn't clear! Thank you.


  1. Celine! These are my header blocks! I loved making them!!! Looking forward to make your blocks! And maybe I could finally finish my own blocks in a quilt?!

  2. OH BOY Celine you are so French and so cool and this block is totally gorgeous. Wish I was in this Bee that's for sure. Next time.
    P xxx

  3. will start later, at least can get upto the white strips ive got kona white :)

  4. This is such a fun block! I will give it a try. Have you made multiple blocks and put them together? I think they might look great continuous in a quilt.

    thanks for sharing your wisdom.


  5. This block looks great. It's going to be so much fun to find nice scraps to go in the middle. Love the white and the coal to frame them.

  6. Celine, these are wonderful! I agree with Elisabeth above that the white and coal color choice are such an effective way to make the scrappiness pop!

    My aunt recently passed away. Her last quilting effort was to have completed a quilt that had strips of fabric from the many projects she had made, including favorite fabrics and above all, projects she had given to loved ones. I was so honored to be able to help by doing the border for her, the last time I saw her.

    I just realized today, while I was looking at your quilt, that it was a summary in fabric of her proudest achievements: using her creativity and skills to make lovely things, and give love to the people in her life.

    Thank you, and thank you for helping me as I mourn her passing.


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