October recap

It's been a great month for blocks, I am almost caught up with all the bees and I have progressed some UFOs too! Let''s have a look at the (insane) list! Hoping for finish 1. Summer Solstice Quilt Along - need quilting and finishing - t his will be my choice in October for the One Monthly Goal with Heidi - finished 2. Book bee blocks to make into a wall-hanging - no progress but I'll keep this one for next year to make more blocks with friends. Bee Blocks 1. Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (October ) - done 2. Bee Hive ( September, October) - done 3. Bubble Bee ( September, October ) - done 4. I love Lucy International (August, September, October) - August and September done 5. Scandi Bee ( September, October) - done 6. Fat Stash Bee (July) - done 7. Block lotto - no block this month WIP 1. Wanta Fanta - need 8...