November recap

November had started very well, with a quilt top ready mid month but then I have had so much work that the sewing time has been squeezed to hardly nothing. Happy that I have finished 2 stitcheries though. Looking through the massive list now to see what need to be added back to December! Hoping for finish 1. Make up pouch for Christmas present - this will be my choice for Novem ber for the One Monthly Goal with Patty - done... just in time, one more OPAM 2. A very merry Christmas town - finished 3. Fair Isle quilt - top is pieced! - now need quilting Bee Blocks 1. Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (November ) - not done 2. Bubble Bee (Novem ber ) - in progress 3. I love Lucy International (October, November) - in progress 4. Scandi Bee (Novem ber) - finished WIP 1. Wanta Fanta - need 5 more blocks - finished 3 more blocks, only 2 to go! 2. Elephant Parade...