January Furtle

Is the first month of the year really over? How is that even possible? Today is a particularly sad day... Today the UK is officially leaving the European Union, the outcome of that shameful referendum is now acted out. I can't get my head around the stupidity of this decision. I arrived in this country shy of 20 years, ready to discover, to start new adventures, to stretch out of my comfort zone. And now, nearly 20 years later, I have settled here and the rules are changing. I am no longer welcome, I don't belong, I am a foreigner, an immigrant... I could not vote in that referendum yet I am directly affected. This all feels like such an horrible nightmare I just want to wake up and realise it is not true.... sadly it is. Enough about the politics, let's review this month creative adventures, it is always so much more fun. I am so happy that I have finished my Vintage Kitchen quilt top this month. It needs quilting of course but at least I have made all the blocks now...