
Showing posts from January, 2020

January Furtle

Is the first month of the year really over? How is that even possible? Today is a particularly sad day... Today the UK is officially leaving the European Union, the outcome of that shameful referendum is now acted out. I can't get my head around the stupidity of this decision. I arrived in this country shy of 20 years, ready to discover, to start new adventures, to stretch out of my comfort zone. And now, nearly 20 years later, I have settled here and the rules are changing. I am no longer welcome, I don't belong, I am a foreigner, an immigrant... I could not vote in that referendum yet I am directly affected. This all feels like such an horrible nightmare I just want to wake up and realise it is not true.... sadly it is. Enough about the politics, let's review this month creative adventures, it is always so much more fun. I am so happy that I have finished my Vintage Kitchen quilt top this month. It needs quilting of course but at least I have made all the blocks now...

Lola sweater dress

In November Victory pattern ran a  sew-along  for their Lola sweater dress . I had all intention to participate and bought and printed the pattern there and then but sadly that's as far as I went. I took the pattern with me during our Christmas holiday but again didn't touch it. Well last weekend I finally cut it away,  read the sew along details and cut my pieces. I had quite a lot of fabric left from my Linden sweater so I used that for my first try, complemented by lovely cuff fabric I ordered especially for a little bit of bling I added 1.5'' to the upper body pieces because I am tall and the measurements suggested I would need that much. Construction on the overlocker was rather straightforward and fast. Apart when I ended seeing the cuff the wrong side out. And quickly I had a new dress/ secret pyjamas. The neckline is not 100% symmetrical with the stripes but I've decided I'll live with it. Otherwise I'm really in love šŸ˜šŸ˜ with this d...

A late Christmas present

I had planned to make a new pair of pyjamas for my hubby for Christmas but time ran out before I even got started. I had bought some really soft brushed cotton fabric from Fabrics Galore during Black Friday sale to make the Eastwood pyjama bottom by Thread Theory and also some plain black jersey to make the Berlin tee by Toby K pattern as a top. I used both before for a PJ and they work perfectly. I finally got around to cut the pieces earlier this month and at the weekend I sat with my overlocker to construct both pieces.  The only tweak I did was to add this little pocket on the top with fabric from the bottom to add a little bit of fancy! And just like that, exactly one month late I was able to gift a new pair of PJ to my lovely hubby. One more OPAM for January and one of my Q1 FAL Celine

Something new....

It's been a while since I have joined a cross-stitch along so I have been tempted again. I really like the Nutcracker Parade that Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery released before Christmas but I never managed to order the supplies to start it before Christmas unfortunately, too much work and too much on... I finally ordered some lovely crystal hand-dyed linen fabric in December but it arrived while we were away so I found it on my return. And finally earlier this month,  I did the first few stitches... I am loving the colours, not sure how long it will take me, considering I *might* have signed up for another cross-stitch-along... Celine

Linden Sweatshirt

I have been planning to try the Linden sweatshirt pattern by Grainline Studio for months but never got around to it. I ordered some pretty cuff fabric before Christmas but didn't have time to use it until this month. Not sure why it took so long... Especially when it was so fast making it on the overlocker from start to finish. I used pink thread, just because! šŸ˜Š I buried the threads this week and have almost worn it since! I love it and I really like how the cuffs and neckline band lift the sweater up. One of my Q1 FAL list and one OPAM for January. Linking to  Whoop Whoop Friday Celine

A quilt top

I tackled the few remaining blocks for my vintage kitchen top last week and put the top together at the weekend. First I had to do the stack of bowls And then the 4 little flying geese blocks Before I had all the pieces to finish the top. The pattern has 3 rounds of plain borders but I'm not sure I'll add some as the top is already quite big. Ready for quilting I think! I really happy that I've finished it as I had picked it as my  One monthly goal Linking to  Monday Design Wall ,    Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,    Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Whoop Whoop Friday Celine

Dear Jane Row D

My poor Dear Jane must feel abandoned again. I had blocks with me on every one of my work trip but I did stitch one thread at all. No time on the way in or while away and no energy left after the business meetings so no sewing on the way back either. Finally I managed to pick it up again during the Christmas break and finished D2 Mouse in the Mirror. This one was started in October during our last holidays. We had so many hours in the car that I also managed to complete D12 Crossed Swords And with these 2 blocks finally done, I was able to stitch Row D together. Linking to  Monday Design Wall ,    Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,    Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Whoop Whoop Friday Celine


The FAL is now exclusively ran on IG. I finally posted my (very long) list on Sunday, which was the last day. I still like to keep a list on here that I find easier to refer to. So here what I have put on my (very/too long) Q1 list Quilts: 1.  Modern HST triangles - 1 block missing to have enough for a quilt top but very little background fabric -  only one block left to do now  2. Project 48 quilt with a few Solstice challenge blocks (all blocks done, might need a few more???) 3. Farmer's Wife (not half way yet....)   4.  Farmer's Wife 1930 - only 24 blocks done 7. Gipsy Wife (in progress) - I have fallen off the band wagon again....  9. Enchanted Stars 10. Underground railway - most blocks available from years ago   11. 365-challenge - so many blocks still needed!  12. Kingfisher quilt - a portable project, as long as I prepare before I go....  13. Super Mario quilt  14.  Impromp...

More kitchen work

I was hoping that my next post on the vintage kitchen quilt along would show ALL the blocks completed but I still have 2 left to finish (both are in progress but I won't be able to touch them until later this week šŸ˜¢). So for now here are my latest blocks: the Salt and Pepper shakers and the Measuring Spoons I've also been busy in the kitchen this weekend actually (but not in the sewing room at all) since I've made some Seville Orange marmalade Linking to  Monday Design Wall ,    Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers Celine

Catch up blocks

I have made it my  One monthly goal  in January to finish all the blocks for the  Vintage Kitchen quilt along  that finished in December so I thought I'd better start with those! The first block I finished this month was "COOK" which was nearly completed when I worked on it but for a few pieces.... I then made the canisters, they will need to be embroidered eventually but I will do that at a later stage. I now have 4 more blocks to finish to get the top completed but I don't have masses of background fabric left so I hope I won't run out.... Linking to  Monday Design Wall ,    Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers . Celine

Q4 FAL in review

The quarter (and the year) is finished. Some of my projects have been on the list for the full year and are still not finished but at least I have finalised a few projects, some old and some brand new. Let's review the list now! Quilts: 1.  Modern HST triangles (19 blocks are done), this one is hopefully also a serious contender for this quarter - only one block left to do now - no progress 2. Project 48 quilt with a few Solstice challenge blocks (all blocks done, might need a few more???)  -  no progress 3. Farmer's Wife (not half way yet....)   -  no progress 4.  Farmer's Wife 1930 - only 24 blocks done  -  no progress 6. Hello Kitty quilt - finished and gifted! 7. Gipsy Wife (in progress) - I have fallen off the band wagon again....  -  no progress 9. Enchanted Stars  -  no progress 10. Underground railway - most blocks available from years ago   -  no progress 11. 3...