
Showing posts from February, 2020

February furtle

Yes, even with an extra day, February flew by! We took a family holiday in the Alps to go skiing and of course, this was great. It is always nice to get extra sun and light in the grey dark winter.  I finished 2 gifts for 2 important people this month and that makes me happy. I finished a little wall hanging for my daughter's birthday And some jeans for my Valentine's I didn't really do much more really... mainly by lack of time. A few blocks for the Threadology quilt along and an handkerchief  Linking to February Furtle . Celine

Back to an oldie....

Last year I started several projects at the beginning of the year and I don't think I finished any. I parked them while working on presents and other stuff and they've been sliding down the pile quietly. Well this week I digged out one of them. I picked the Threadology quilt-along again. I had made the first 3 series of blocks last year. I made serie 4 this week, 1 large churn dash block and 4 smaller ones. And with these additional 5 blocks I'm half way through the blocks for this quilt top. Let's hope it doesn't get parked for another year! Linking to  Monday Design Wall ,    Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,    Needle and Thread Thursday . Celine


To be more sustainable and to waste less seem to be very in at the moment, and I truly believe this is what we all need to aim at. In an effort to go in this direction, I try to find new ways to waste less where possible. Sometimes it is so difficult to make the extra effort or ditch the convenience but with a little extra time and willingness, it is possible usually. One way I wanted to explore was "tissue". I remember as a child that all our hankies were made of fabric. We would use, wash, dry, iron, repeat! Now in our family, only my husband uses fabric hankie. Everyone else is guilty of using (and sometimes abusing of) paper tissue, disposable after just one (tiny) use. This, in our house, creates far too much waste for my liking. So I decided to try an experience of going back to fabric hankie. I found a little cotton remnant in my local shop, trialed the rolled hem foot on my machine, and voila! a lovely new, durable and reusable fabric hankie that I have had in my pock...


The first time I made jeans was about 3 years ago when I went to a 3-day course with Charlotte at the Village Haberdashery. I duly bought denim, etc afterwards but never did anything with it. Earlier last year, I offered to my dear husband to make HIM a pair of jeans. He accepted the offer and picked the leftover from my first pair and the Quadra pattern by Thread Theory . The jeans were cut last autumn and he decided on a Star Trek designs for the pockets which I did at the time.  After that, work was so busy that my dream of having the jeans finished for his birthday and then for Christmas, were just that, a dream. I picked the pieces again in January and tried to move them forward by little chunks as I figured it would be the only way to progress. I would never manage a full day or two to complete them.  I picked a Star Trek fabric I had in my stash for the inside pockets and finished them with French seams as per the instructions.  The next step that really s...

Horse time

Late last month I picked up my abandoned passport pieced horse from a pattern by Tartan Kiwi, with the hope to finish it for my daughter's birthday. Well I'm glad to say that having a deadline once more helped to keep me focused. The horse is finished and gifted! Yeah šŸ˜Š I only had 3 sections left before I could assemble all.  So the first job was indeed to finish those sections. After that I could move on to the construction of the horse following the very good explanations in the book to match the critical junctions.  I used 2 FQ from my stash that I bought in the US 5 years ago for the backing.  I kept the quilting very simple by shopping vertical lines with my walking foot all the way across. As for the binding I used the same as the background fabric to blend it in.  Quilt stats  Top: paper piecing,  Kaffe Fassett fabric Back: fabric from my stash bought in Pennsylvania in 2015 Quilted with Superior Thread Started in 2019, fi...

February goals

February is a short but also very busy month in our house with all the birthday celebrations. Time to sew will for sure be reduced. There are so many projects I would love to work on though. I am lucky to start this month with a full "sewing day". Let see what I can get to... Quilting: 1.   Dear Jane - finish row E 2.  HST modern sampler quilt - make the last block and finish the top  3.  Farmer's Wife 1920 - make 4 blocks 4.  Farmer's Wife 1930 - make 4 blocks 5. Horse quilt -  this will be my   One monthly goal 6. Scientific Adventure Quilt - not started 7. Purple and blue quilt 8. Scrappy Stripes quilt - needs quilting Dressmaking 1 .  Knickers 2. Sirroco Jumpsuit, cut and ready to be sewn 3. Jeans for hubby 4.  Comox trunks 5. PJ for M 6. Moneta dress 7. Belladone dress 8. Lola sweater dress 9. Linden sweater 10. Jasika jacket Accessories 1.  Passport...