
The first time I made jeans was about 3 years ago when I went to a 3-day course with Charlotte at the Village Haberdashery. I duly bought denim, etc afterwards but never did anything with it. Earlier last year, I offered to my dear husband to make HIM a pair of jeans. He accepted the offer and picked the leftover from my first pair and the Quadra pattern by Thread Theory. The jeans were cut last autumn and he decided on a Star Trek designs for the pockets which I did at the time. 
After that, work was so busy that my dream of having the jeans finished for his birthday and then for Christmas, were just that, a dream. I picked the pieces again in January and tried to move them forward by little chunks as I figured it would be the only way to progress. I would never manage a full day or two to complete them. 
I picked a Star Trek fabric I had in my stash for the inside pockets and finished them with French seams as per the instructions. 
The next step that really scared me was the flat felled seams. I have never tried them before I was worried they would be very difficult. Well with a few deep breaths and some unpicking, I got there! The Quadra has flat felled seams on the yoke and the inside legs. I did both in the end and was quite please with the results.
After the jeans are constructed, the zipper and shield are constructed and inserted and finally the waistband. Those steps came together relatively easily and there are great instructions on the Thread Theory blog sew along anyway.

The last step was the buttonhole and the belt loops. I used some normal thread the same colour as my top stitching thread for those as my machine didn't like the top thread with all the layers. 
Of course, such a special pair of jeans needed a special label too!
I gifted the jeans to hubby on Valentine's day (without the hardware!) and he has worn them as much as he could since. I am ridiculously happy to have finished them for him and happy that he likes them too! Now I really want to make myself more jeans, even more so as I need some!
This was on my Q1 FAL list and is another OPAM for February.
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday.



  1. Denim looks really good and hubby looks quite happy to pose.


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